Dr. Christina Thornton

Dr. Christina Thornton

Christina Thornton, MD PhD FRCPC is an adult respirologist in the Division of Respirology, Departments of Medicine and Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the University of Calgary, Canada. Dr. Thornton is a clinician scientist specializing in cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. Her PhD thesis looked at the lower respiratory microbiome and microbial interactions in cystic fibrosis patients. She completed her internal medicine residency followed by respirology fellowship at the University of Calgary in 2021. Dr. Thornton then went on to the University of Michigan where she completed a postdoctoral fellowship in advanced microbiome community analysis in cystic fibrosis patients. She is now an assistant professor as of Aug 2022 at the University of Calgary. Dr. Thornton runs a research lab with the key interests around the role of polymicrobial infections at times of clinical stability and pulmonary exacerbation in suppurative lung disease. 

Welcome to Christina Thornton’s Research group! 

We aim to better understand the role of the lower respiratory microbiome in suppurative lung diseases, such as bronchiectasis. Our goal is to enhance our comprehension of the factors that influence the microbiome's role in both health and disease. This knowledge will pave the way for innovative strategies to utilize the microbiome in both treatment and prevention methods.